Saturday, January 5, 2013

You Can't Always Get What You Want

"Do you have any religious cards?" I asked the girl behind the counter in White's. I was actually looking for a Bar Mitzvah card, but I figured I'd have better luck if I kept the request more generic. "You know, like for Confirmation?" She began rooting around. "Actually, what I really need is a Bar Mitzvah card," I clarified. "Oh, we don't put those out," she said, as she pulled a shoebox full of them from under the counter. Ok, so there's not much call for Bar Mitzvah cards in Montauk, but if you needed one, I wondered, how on earth would you know that's where they were kept.

Of course you can't always get what you want in Montauk. No one, for example, is going to pull a dry cleaner out from under the counter.  But when this is what you see on your morning walk, does it really matter?

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